Trade Credit Program Helps Technology Manufacturer Remove Large Risk from Balance Sheet

Manufacturing and Technology Case Study

The Request

Have previously excluded transaction included in program

Company Profile

Industry: Manufacturing and Technology

Annual Revenue: $1 billion

A global leader in electronic learning products had a large transaction be excluded from its trade credit program. This transaction represented a sizable amount of its revenue and added significant risk to its balance sheet. The customer engaged Brown & Brown to help reinstate this transaction within its trade credit program.

The Solution

Leveraged experience and relationship to revise program structure

The Brown & Brown Trade Credit team leveraged their experience and relationship with the carrier to collaborate and find a solution and was successful in having the transaction incorporated into the program.

The Results

$2 million of risk off the balance sheet

The team worked with the carrier to include the transaction while also revising the program’s structure, allowing the customer to remove $2 million of risk from its balance sheet. The customer was pleased with the results and has engaged Brown & Brown on additional lines of coverage.

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